"Risk On" means living your dreams, not someone else’s. In RISK ON! Todd Ault will show you how to do just that.

Risk On!
The Seven Rules for Building a Billion Dollar Career in Business
A New Book by Milton "Todd" Ault III
Do you want to blast yourself into the financial stratosphere?
Do you want to spot undervalued investment opportunities before anyone else?
Do you have the guts to take the tough, but necessary risks to grab the success those opportunities offer?
If so, then dive in because you are ready to go full Risk On like legendary entrepreneur Todd Ault.

Milton “Todd” Ault III is a 30-plus year Wall Street veteran and the Founder of Ault Alliance, whose companies span a myriad of industries, including cryptocurrencies, digital manufacturing technology, defense and aerospace, biotech, hospitality, corporate lending, and real estate syndication. He’s a top business thought leader with more than 2 million Instagram followers and 20 million YouTube views, he’s the creator of the national Risk On Business Conferences, and he’s the host of The Todd Ault Podcast, the Risk On podcast. Raised as an under advantaged youth in public housing by his mother, “Todd” is an entirely self-made businessman with assets under management now in excess of $700,000,000.00. Ault now lives in Las Vegas with his family—in their dream house.
In RISK ON!, Todd Ault lays out seven principles that can make you a massive success in business.
One: Create the right relationships that can give you the boost you need and may just save your ass when you need it most.
Two: Invest in your own vision and talent so you can keep motivated, scale, and become stronger.
Three: Stay your own course, ignore uninformed opinions and avoid the attractive, but potentially disastrous options.
Four: Know your competition so you can leverage their weak points and turn their perceived advantages into your gain.
Five: Own your mistakes because — if you’re not failing, you’re not taking on enough risk. Realize that you need to fail to succeed.
Six: Never give up. Accepting failure isn’t a business plan. Learn to overcome.
And seven, the one all these principles build to: Make a bang, the well-executed Risk On play that pays you huge dividends.
Throughout RISK ON! Ault uses examples from this own career to illustrate each rule, show its many facets and demonstrate how he learned its importance–often the hard way. Ault’s storytelling offers a no bullshit approach to the world of investment and finance. He’ll show you how to get up and get going after you’ve been knocked on your ass because, once you’re committed to Risking On, you’ll realize that any misfortune is really just one bad moment in the long game of success. And those successes will come, so Ault tells you how to leverage them into greater successes,
Take it from me: This guy Milton "Todd" Ault, III is the real deal. I’ve worked on Wall Street and the D.C. beltway for decades now and I’ve seen my fair share of bluster from businessmen and Wall Street wannabes. Todd Ault is anything but. He’s a seasoned and savvy businessman who started as a Hud Housing latchkey kid and built himself into a billion-dollar enterprise from the ground up. Todd took the "underdog" hand life dealt him and parlayed his gut instinct into becoming a significant shareholder in just about every industry out there, from real estate and cryptocurrency to pharmaceuticals and finance. He has a keen eye for recognizing value, opportunity, and great people, which is why his holding company is so diverse, including everything from cultured diamonds to a Karaoke company, not to mention a biotech working on a treatment and vaccine for Alzheimer’s. The guy is a tireless and fearless investor, who understands that relationships and people are as valuable for an investor as are the numbers on a balance sheet. This is the true story of one man who learned as much from his mistakes as he did from his successes, and who wants to pass on that wisdom to the reader. If you’re serious about investing, being an entrepreneur and learning how to succeed in business – or in life, for that matter -- read my friend Todd’s book. You’ll be glad you did.
Anthony Scaramucci ~ New York, New York Oct 1, 2022